PRE (Plastics Recyclers Europe) HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) and PP (Polypropylene) Working Group Chairman Herbert Snell said: “Demand for the use of recycled products is increasing and shifting towards a wider range of applications requiring a new set of specifications.
Although the recycling capacity of HDPE and PP is growing, to meet this new demand and increase quality it will be essential to work on advancing collection and recycling design.
For Snell, it is essential to increase recycling of this material if we want to reach new recycling rates.
This, in turn, can only happen if a genuine transformation of the production, end-of-life treatment and collection of these materials is taking place.
Therefore, although it is true that this material is in high demand today and is growing, we must take into account the recycling factor and companies have the duty to do so if they use this material.