PURCHASING PRODUCTSTo purchase products, the user must follow the purchase procedure set out on the website, read and accept these terms of use and privacy policy and select "Finalise and Pay" (the "order"). Parafina Trademark will send an email to the user confirming that the order has been accepted (the "Order Confirmation"). The contract between the user and Parafina Trademark will finally be formalised once Parafina Trademark sends the order confirmation to the user. Only the products indicated in the orders will be subject to the contract.PRODUCT AVAILABILITYAll orders are subject to product availability. If, once the order confirmation has been sent, Parafina Trademark is unable to offer the product ordered, it will contact the user as soon as possible informing them of this fact. In this case, Parafina Trademark may: (i) offer the user a product of characteristics and specifications as originally ordered, if they are in accordance with the user's needs; and/or (ii) offer the user a refund for the product originally ordered.REFUSAL TO PROCESS AN ORDERAlthough Parafina Trademark will make every effort to always process all orders, there may be exceptional circumstances that require it to refuse to process any order after sending the order confirmation, and Parafina Trademark reserves the right to do so at any time, at its sole discretion. Parafina Trademark reserves the right to remove any product from the website at any time and to remove or modify any material or content of the website, and shall not be liable to you or any third party for the removal of any product from the website, whether or not the product has been sold.PRODUCT WARRANTYAll products contained on the website are original Parafina Trademark products. They are all guaranteed for 2 years according to the criteria and conditions described in the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users. Products shall be deemed to comply with the conditions of use provided that they meet the following requirements: (i) they conform to the description made by Parafina Trademark and possess the qualities of the product that Parafina Trademark has presented to the user in the form of the sample or model (ii) they are suitable for the ordinary uses intended for products of the same type (iii) they are suitable for any special use required by the user when he has made this known to Parafina Trademark, if Parafina Trademark has agreed that the product is suitable for such use (iv) exhibits the standard quality and performance of a product of the same type that the user may expect, considering the nature of the product. If the product does not conform to the stated specifications, Parafina Trademark will refund the purchase price or an equal or similar product will be sent depending on the circumstances of each case. Parafina Trademark is not responsible for damage to the products that may result from the misuse of the product, as well as for acts or omissions by the user that do not conform to the specifications of each product or damage caused by third parties that are not linked to Parafina Trademark. Parafina Trademark takes the utmost care in the presentation and description of the products. However, the photographs of the products are presented for illustrative purposes only. To know the precise characteristics of each product, you should check the corresponding descriptive data accompanying each product. If the product is defective, we will replace it with a new one free of charge. If the product is no longer available, we will exchange it for a similar product. Exclusions from the product warranty: - Deliberate or careless damage. - Improper or careless use. - Damage resulting from normal wear and tear. - Damage due to non-compliance with the care and cleaning policy. - Substantial modifications to the product (change of lenses, temples, frame tinting, etc.). Total limit of claims per guarantee: 2DELIVERY OF THE PRODUCTOnce the shipping confirmation has been sent, the products will be delivered to the address indicated by the user when placing the order within the period established for each country/region (see shipping and returns). Parafina Trademark assumes no responsibility when the product is not delivered because the data provided by the user is false, inaccurate or incomplete or when the delivery cannot be carried out for reasons beyond the control of the shipping company assigned for this purpose, such as the absence of the user or the retention of the product in customs. Delivery times are approximate, although Parafina Trademark tries to adapt to them.PRICE AND PAYMENT OF THE PRODUCTSThe prices applicable to each product will be those published on the website on the date on which the user places the order. Although Parafina Trademark tries to ensure that all prices on the website are correct, errors may occur. If Parafina Trademark discovers an error in the price of products that a user has ordered, Parafina Trademark will inform the user as soon as possible and give the user the option of reconfirming the order at the correct price or cancelling the order. If Parafina Trademark does not contact the user, the order will be considered cancelled and the user will be reimbursed in full for any amounts paid. Parafina Trademark shall not be obliged to supply the user with any product at the incorrect lower price (despite the order confirmation having been sent) if the pricing error is obvious and unmistakable and the user could reasonably have recognised it as the incorrect price. Prices may change at any time. However, possible changes will not affect the products for which Parafina Trademark has already sent the order confirmation. The user can pay with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Google Pay or Apple Pay credit or debit cards. To minimise the risk of unauthorised access, the user's credit card details will be encrypted. Whether payment is made by credit or debit card or via PayPal, the charge will be made at the time Parafina Trademark sends confirmation of the shipment to the user. The applicable VAT rate will be the one legally in force at any given time according to the product in question.
REPAIR SERVICEParafina offers a repair service for products purchased under different conditions: - If it is still possible to exercise the right of guarantee, the customer must send the product to our warehouse, at his own expense. Once we have received it, we will assess whether it is possible to repair the product and we will do so free of charge. If it is not possible to repair the product, we will replace it with a new one, which we will send to the customer after notification of the appropriate decision. - If the warranty claim has expired, the customer can send us the product and once we have received it, we will prepare a repair estimate to be paid through the payment method agreed between both parties.
PRODUCT RETURNS AND EXCHANGESThe right of withdrawal is in accordance with the applicable law, in the event that the user is contracting as a consumer, can withdraw from the contract (except in the cases established by law) and freely return or exchange the products delivered at any time within 30 working days from the date of delivery (the "withdrawal period"). The buyer pays the shipping costs, using the shipping method of his choice. The package must come complete and in good condition. The package must include the order number in a visible place. The shipping address of our warehouse is: Calle Canillas, 2, Local, 28002, Madrid-Spain. Once the corresponding inspection of the returned product has been carried out and, in the event that the user does not decide to make an exchange, Parafina Trademark will reimburse the user the amount of the product and initial shipping costs. If the user chooses to exchange the product for another product of the same quantity from our catalogue, the user will not be charged for this operation. After the withdrawal period, no product returns or exchanges will be accepted. Exchanges will only be accepted for products that may have been defective. Return or replacement is possible if the user considers that the product does not meet the stated specifications. You must contact Parafina Trademark immediately via email to the contact address to provide details of the product, as well as informing us of the defect and whether you opt for the return or replacement of an identical product. |
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