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Legal Notice


These Terms of Use (the “terms of use”) govern the access and use of the website hosted under the domain name (the “website”) and under any of the subdomains or web pages dependent on it, as well as the contents and services that the owner of the website makes available to its users (the “users”) and establish together with the privacy policy and cookies policy concerning the management of personal data of users, the terms and conditions under which the website is governed. In compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce and Article 4.4 of Law 56/2007, of 28 December, of Measures of Impulse of the Society of the Information concerning the duty of information of the service providers the following data are reflected: Parafina Trademark S. L is a company of spanish nationality domiciled in Calle de Canillas, 2, 28002 Madrid, with C.I.F. B86879384 (in forward “Parafina Trademark”) and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid in Volume 32.041, Folio 10, Sheet number M-576589, is owner and administrator of the domain name www. (in forward the “website”). To contact Parafina Trademark, you can do so through the following email:


By accessing and browsing through this website, the user recognizes read and understand the present legal notice and the terms of use as well as our privacy policy and cookies policy and expressly accept the application of the same to the use you make of the website during browsing. Access to and use of the products and services offered on the website is prohibited for users under eighteen years. Therefore, by accepting these terms of use, the user recognizes to be a person with enough capacity to acquire the obligations arising from their actions and that they have read, understand and accept the contents.


These conditions of use make up the entire contract through which the conditions of purchase of the products made available to the users by Parafina Trademark on the website (the “products”) are regulated.


To navigate through the website, the user will not be required to register or to facilitate any personal data to Parafina Trademark. However, to access some services offered by the website, such as requesting information or make a query, or make a purchase, the user must register through the form available for such purposes on the website, including a series of personal data. In any case, in each form the user must accept a privacy clause stating the data personnel to provide for the service, as well as the purpose of the specific for which the user data is collected. Parafina Trademark adopts the technical and organizational measures necessary to ensure the protection of personal data and prevent alteration, loss, treatment and/or unauthorized access, considering the state of the art, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed, all as established in the legislation on the protection of personal data and, in special, in the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Data Protection and guarantee of Digital Rights (“LOPD”), as well as in any other standards.


Users undertake to use the website, the content and services of in accordance with applicable law, this disclaimer and terms of use, good faith and public order. In the same way, users are obliged not to use the website, its contents or the services provided through it for purposes or illicit effects or contrary to the content of this legal notice and terms of use, detrimental to the interests or rights of third parties, or which in any way may harm, disable, make inaccessible or deteriorate the website, its contents or its services or prevent a normal enjoyment of the same by other users. Users are also expressly undertake not to destroy, alter, disable, or otherwise damaging data, programs, electronic documents, works or any other content of the website, including the source codes thereof. The user agrees not to hindering the access of other users through the massive consumption of resources through which Parafina Trademark provides the service, as well as to carry out actions that damage, interrupt or cause errors in such systems or services.


In compliance with the provisions of the LOPD, Parafina Trademark informs the users of the website of the existence of automated and non-automated files of character data personnel enrolled in the Spanish Data Protection Agency under their responsibility, with the purpose of the maintenance, management and control of the data of its users collected through the website.


The user must respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of the contents that are included on the website. All the contents of the website, unless otherwise indicated, or are the exclusive property of Parafina Trademark or such company is its legitimate licensee, such as, without limitation, graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs, and other items that appear on the website. Likewise, all trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained on the website are protected by applicable law. Parafina Trademark does not grant any kind of license or authorization for personal use to users on its intellectual and industrial property rights or on any other right related to its website and the services offered therein. Therefore, users recognize that, where appropriate, the production, distribution, transformation and, in general, any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of this website constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of Parafina Trademark or the holder of the same. If the user detects the violation of any standard legal or proprietary or third party rights on the website, we request your cooperation, and we give the option to denounce such infringements by sending an email to the following address: We are committed to producing quality products with a fine regard for detail. To ensure the integrity of Parafina Co. products, we have implemented strict quality control standards and have partnered with trusted distributors and retailers around the world. This established relationship with authorized retailers ensures that our customers receive exceptional service and quality products, along with a Parafina’s leading warranty service. Parafina’s success has made it a target of counterfeiters and unauthorized retailers selling inferior products to unsuspecting customers. When Parafina-branded products or look-alikes are purchased from unauthorized retailers, we cannot guarantee the quality or authenticity of the products, making them ineligible for Parafina’s warranty protection. Therefore, warranty claims must be accompanied by acceptable proof of purchase from an authorized Parafina retailer. Unfortunately, we regularly hear from customers who accidentally purchased counterfeit products online. We encourage customers to avoid purchasing Parafina Co. products from unauthorized retail channels such as flea markets, discount websites and third-party marketplaces. Aside from the risk of receiving inferior products (or no products at all), personal information and credit card details may be vulnerable to theft or fraud, and proceeds from these purchases may be utilized to fund illegal activities. If you suspect that a company or individual is advertising or selling counterfeit or unauthorized Parafina Co. products, please contact us at


The use of the website by users in a country other than Spain will be made under the responsibility of these. Only the user is responsible for complying with the laws of the countries from which he accesses the website. The user declares to know and accept that these conditions are subject to the spanish legislation.


We reserve the right to modify, at any time and to our exclusive discretion, the terms of this disclaimer and terms of use. When this happened, a notice will be included on the website that indicate and inform users that change have been made.


If any clause in this legal notice and terms of use is declared wholly or partly null or void, such nullity or ineffectiveness will only affect to that provision or to the part thereof which is null or ineffective, subsisting on the present general conditions in everything else, considering such a total disposition or partially by not included.


The relationship between Parafina Trademark and the user will be governed by the spanish regulations in force and any controversy will be submitted to the courts and tribunals of Madrid. Parafina Trademark will pursue the breach of these terms of use, as well as any misuse of the website by exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond and assist you in law. In compliance with the provisions of Directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the alternative resolution of consumer disputes and regulation 524/2013 of Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 , on online litigation resolution on consumer matters, we make it known to all users that they will be able to carry out their consumer claims through the online conflict resolution platform which they can access through of the following link


Parafina Trademark assumes no liability whatsoever arising from the links that enable, through the website, access to the user to benefits and services offered by third parties, if they are alien to the website. Therefore, Parafina Trademark is not responsible for the information contained therein or any effects that may derive from such information. If any user or third party observes that such links may be contrary to law, morality or public order, he/she must inform Parafina Trademark via email:


The applicable regulations require that some information or communications that Parafina Trademark sends to the user is in writing. By accepting these terms of use, the user accepts that most of the Parafina Trademark communications are electronic. Parafina Trademark will contact the user via email or by hanging alerts on the website. The user agrees to use this electronic communication medium and recognizes that any notification, information and other communications that Parafina Trademark sends electronically comply with the legal requirements of being in writing. For any queries or incidents, complaints or complaints related to the services offered, the user can contact Parafina Trademark by sending an email to the following address