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Terms and Conditions - Leaflet Soleil 2022

ENGLISH. Information supplied by Parafina Co. Annex II, section 1.4 of ECC Directive 89/686. Conformity in accordance with Dir. 89/686/ECC and subsequent amendments and with ISO 12312-1:2013. Use of eyewear: Protection against solar UV radiation in accordance with Int. regulations. Normative Reference: The Standard ISO 12312-1:2013. The filter classification according to the categories listed in ISO 12312-1:2013 (Tab. 1) Marking & Accessories: The serial number and model version are printed, laser or engraved on the inside temple of your shades and on the packaging. For further information please visit: Cleaning & maintenance: Use water and soap to clean your Paraffins, avoid the use of solvents and alcohol. Do not use dirty or abrasive cloths since they could alter the characteristics of the filters. Only use our own accessories and spare parts. Storage: When not in use, keep your Paraffins in its original package in a dry place at a temperature between -10ºC and +35ºC. Warnings: The product is not suitable for direct observation of the sun or as protection against radiation from artificial light resources. Not suitable for driving at night or in reduced light. Our lenses are not suitable against mechanical impact either. Warranty All our products have a 2 year guarantee. If the product was purchased on the PARAFINA website or PARAFINA HOUSE (Calle Canillas, 2, Local, 28002, Madrid, Spain) it is essential to send an email to with images of the damaged product and the purchase receipt to assess that the damage is covered by the guarantee. Once each case is studied, the steps to follow will be sent. If the product was purchased in a store that distributes PARAFINA, you must contact that store for warranty management, PARAFINA is not responsible for it. SPANISH. Parafina Co. Information Note Annex II, section 1.4 of Directive 89/686 EEC. Conformity according to Dir. 89/868/CEE and subsequent amendments and ISO 12312-1:2013. Recommended use: As protection against solar UV rays according to international standards. About our lens: ISO 12312-1:2013. Below is the classification of filters according to the categories provided for in ISO 12312-1:2013 (Tab. 1) Markings and Accessories: The serial number and model version of this pair of glasses are engraved on the inside of the temples and on the packaging. For more information, visit: Cleaning and Maintenance: To clean your Paraffins, use water and soap, avoiding the use of solvents or alcohol. Do not use dirty cloths or abrasives, as this can alter the characteristics of the filters. Use only original accessories and spare parts. Conservation: When not in use, it is recommended that you store the glasses in their original packaging and in a dry place, at a temperature between -10ºC and +35ºC. Warnings: Our glasses are not suitable for direct observation of the sun, nor as protection against artificial light sources. They are also not suitable for driving at night or in low light. Our lenses are not intended to protect the eyes from mechanical hazards of impact. Warranty All our products have a 2-year warranty. If the product was purchased on the PARAFINA website or at PARAFINA HOUSE (Calle Canillas, 2, Local, 28002, Madrid, Spain) it is essential to send an email to with images of the damaged product and the purchase receipt to assess whether the damage is covered by said warranty. Once each case has been studied, the steps to follow will be sent. If the product was purchased in a store that distributes the brand, you must contact said store to manage the warranty, PARAFINA not being responsible for it. GERMAN. Informationen Parafina Co. Anlage II, Abschnitt 1.4 der Richtline 89/686 EWG. Konformität gemäβ Richtlinie 89/686/EWG und nachfolgende Änderungen und ISO 12312-1:2013. Addition of shine: Schutz vor Sonnen UV-Strahlung in Übereinstimmung mit int. Vorschriften. Normative Reference: Die Norm ISO 12312-1:2013. The Filter class is in ISO aufgeführten Category 12312-1:2013 (Tab 1) Markings and accessories: Die Seriesnummer und Modekkkkversion sind auf der Innenseite Tempel und auf die Verpackung gredruckt. For further information and information: Cleaning and care: Verwenden Wasser und Seife, um Ihre Sonnenbrille reinigen, vermeiden Sie die Vermendung von Lösemitteln and Alkohol. Verwenden If there are no schmutzigen oder Scheuertücher, they do not have the Eigenschaften der Filter zu ändern. Verwenden Sie nur unser eigenes Zubehör und Ersatzteilen. Lagerung: Wenn nicht in Gebrauch, halten die Schatten in der Originalverpackung an einem trockenen Ort bei iner Temperatur zwischen -10ºC und +35ºC. Warning: The Product is not geeignet for the direct Beobachtung der Sonne oder als Schutz vor Strahlung aus künstlichen Licht Ressourcen. Nicht fro Fahren bei Nacht oder in reduced Licht geeignet. PORTUGUESE. Informative Note from Parafina Co. Point 1.4 of Directive 89/686 EEC Annex II, Conformidade como Dir. 89/868/EEC and following alterations and ISO 12312-1:2013. Recommended use: As protection against solar UV rays in accordance with international standards. About our lens: ISO 12312-1:2013. Follow the classification of filters according to the categories provided in the ISO 12312-1:2013 standard (Tab.1) Market and accessories: The serial number and model version are recorded on the inside of the frame and packaging for more information visit: Cleaning and maintenance: To clean the glass, use clean water and avoid the use of solvents or alcohol. Do not use harsh or abrasive fabrics, as this may alter the characteristics of the filters. Use accessories and replacement parts correctly. Conservation: During transportation, it is advisable to keep the device in a dry place at a temperature between -10ºC and +35ºC in the original packaging. Warnings: The product is not suitable for direct observation of the sun, and is not intended to rely on artificial light sources. It is also not suitable for directing at night or with reduced light. Our lens is not protected to protect the eyes against mechanical impact hazards. ITALIAN. Informazioni fornite da Parafina Co. Allegato II, section 1.4 of the EEC directive 89/686. Conformità ai sensi della Dir. 89/686/EEC and successive modifications of the ISO 12312-1:2013 standard. Use of eyeglasses: Protect against solar UV radiation in accordance with international regulations. Regulatory referral: ISO 12312-1:2013 standard. The classification of the filter is in accordance with the category listed in the ISO 12312-1:2013 standard (Tab. 1) Marking and others: The serial number, the model and the lot are clearly marked on the internal part of the package and/or its packaging. For further information visit: Cleaning and Maintenance: To clean our eyes, it is advisable to use water and soap, avoiding the use of solvent or alcohol. If you do not need to use pans without polishing, the moment you change the characteristics of the lens and the filters. I will only use accessories and part of the original replacement. Conservation: When not in use, keep the items in the original packaging, in an asciutto place and at a compress temperature between -10ºC and +35ºC Warning: Our eyes are not subject to direct sunlight protection or direct artificial light source protection. They are not adjusted by the nighttime guide or in the conditions of bright lights. Our slow motion is not suitable for the protection of eyes against eventual mechanical damage. FRENCH. Information Paraffin Co. Annex II, section 1.4 of CRR directive 89/686. Conformité selon Dir. 89/686/EEC and its subsequent modifications and à la standard ISO 12312-1:2013. Using glasses: Protection against UV rays from the sun. Regulatory reference: The standardISO 12312-1:2013. The filtration classification according to the categories listed in the ISO 12312-1:2013 standard. (Tab. 1) Markings and accessories: The series number and model version are printed on the temple inside and on the packaging. For more information you can visit: Cleaning and maintenance: Use the savon water to clean your sun rays, avoid the use of solvents and alcohol. Ne pas utiliser de chiffons au abrasifs, car ils pourraient modifier les characteristics des filtres. Utiliser seulement nos propres accessoires et rechange parts. Storage space: When used, keep your Paraffins in their original packaging and dry them at a temperature between -10ºC and + 35ºC. Advertisements: The product is not recommended for direct observation of the sun or protection against artificial light sources. It is not convenient to drive out of the night or into the red light. Guarantee All our products are guaranteed for 2 years. If the product is available on the PARAFINA website or at PARAFINA HOUSE (Calle Canillas, 2, Local, 28002, Madrid, Spain), it is essential to send an electronic courrier to with the images of the product is endommaged and the value of the damage is covered by the warranty. Once this is done, the stages will immediately be sent. If the product is available in a magazine distributing the brand, you must contact the magazine for warranty management, without the PARAFINA responsible for celle-ci. TURKISH. Bilgi Paraffin Co dikkat. Ek II, Direktifi 89/686 EEC bölüm 1.4. Dir 89/868 / EEC ve aşağıdaki modifikasyonlar ve ISO 12312-1:2013 göre uygunluk. Additional information: Uluslararası standartlara uygun güneş UV karşı olduğu gibi koruma. Here are some tips: ISO 12312-1:2013. Aşağıdaki ISO 12312-1:2013 sağlanan kategorilere göre filtrelerin sınıflandırmadır. (Table 1) Tagged with: Bu gözlüğün seri numarası ve model versiyonu çubuğu ve ambalajın içine işlenmiştir. Daha fazla bilgi için: Terms and conditions: Parafin suda kullanımı sabun temizlenmesi ve çözücüler ya da alkol kullanımının önüne için. o filtrelerin özelliklerini değiştirebilir, çünkü kirli bezleri ne de aşındırıcı kullanmayın. Sadece aksesuar ve yedek parçalarını kullanın. Durum: Gözlük kullanan zamanlarda, -10 ile + 35 ° C arasındaki bir sıcaklıkta kuru bir yerde original ambalajında ​​muhafaza edilmesi tavsiye edilir. Output: Bizim gözlük güneşin doğrudan gözlem için uygun, ne de yapay ışık kaynaklarına karşı koruma gibi değildir. Ne de gece veya düşük ışık sürüş için uygundur. Bizim mercek mekanik şok tehlikelere karşı göz koruması için basarlanmamıştır.


Tüm ürünlerimiz 2 yıl garantilidir. Ürün PARAFINA web sitesinden veya PARAFINA HOUSE'dan (Calle Canillas, 2, Local, 28002, Madrid, Spain) satın alındıysa,'ya hasarlı ürünün ve satın alma işleminin resimlerini içeren bir e-posta göndermeniz önemlidir. Hasarın söz konusu garanti kapsamında olduğunu değerlendirmek için makbuz. Her vaka incelendikten sonra izlenecek adımlar gönderilecektir. Ürün, markanın dağıtımını yapan bir mağazadan satın alındıysa, garantiyi yönetmek için o mağazayla iletişime geçmelisiniz ve bundan PARAFINA sorumlu değildir. JAPANESE. Paraffin 社が提供する情報 ECC 指令 89/686の附属書IIのセクション 1.4。 Dirに準拠した適合.びISO 12312-1:2013に記載されています。 To learn more: Intに準拠した太陽光線からの保護規則。 Others: 標準ISO 12312-1:2013 (表1) マーキング&アクセサリー: シリアルナンバーとモデルバージョンは、シェードの内側のテンプルとパッケージにレーザーで 印刷します。詳細については、www.parafina.ecoをご覧ください。 クリーニング&メンテナンス: 水と石鹸を使用してパラフィナをきれいにし、溶剤やアルコールの使用を避けてください。フィルタの特性を変える可能性があるため、汚れた布や研磨布は使用しないでください。当社独自のアクセサリーとスペアパーツのみを使用してください。 Related: 使用しないときは、Paraffinsを-10℃〜+ 35℃の乾燥した場所に保管しておいてください。 Source: この製品は、太陽の直接観察や人工光源からの放射線に対する保護としては適していません。間や減光時の運転には適していません。私たちのレンズは機械的な衝撃にも適していません。
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