Environmental Impact
Notre collection SOLEIL 2024 a sauvé: - 264,647.32 m3 of water for the production convention. - 74,567.54 kg of CO2 for production convention. - 747,033.83 MJ, equivalent to 87 volumes MAD-NY by plane. |
Notre production is situated in China in reason of the proximity of the premières matières and seems to be the country or the product with the most of déchets. Our plant is located in Wenzhou, a city specialized in the production and design of lunettes. |
The production of recycled lunettes in China is more than a simple trend; il s'agit d'un global engagement in favor of durability. The companies adopt the production practices respecting the environment at this stage of the process, after collecting and selecting the recycled materials jusqu'à the manufacturing and the distribution. This global approche is translated for a reduction of the carbon footprint and the preservation of précieuses natural resources. |
After our birth in 2014, we have released more than: |
PET plastic bottles |
PEHD plastic bottles |
Kg of coffee pitches |
Tires |
Aluminum canettes |
We manufacture our products from 6 recycled or organic materials. Recycling that lasts a second time with waste coming from waste, contributes further to reducing pollution and reducing the amount of waste to humanity is confronted. |